Sunday, January 27, 2008


Was browsing through the pictures I took when I was abroad a year ago, all the good memories.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Komodor Ninja Hype Clan

Once in ancient, there was a clan, which masters deadly ninja hype skill, and in 21st century, it is all about the new clan master of the komodor ninja. His idendity remains secret,and only be known as C1P4N. His deadly racun skill had been heard among the street peoples.

People, please beware, he is a very dangerous man,very...

And he says KOMODO NINJA -----HYPEEEE !!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Woke up this morning and the first new I read, titled "Heath Ledger found dead in a apartment."

"At 3:31 p.m., a masseuse arrived at Apartment 5A in the building for an appointment with Mr. Ledger, the police said. The masseuse was let in to the home by a housekeeper, who then knocked on the door of Mr. Ledger’s bedroom. When no one answered, the housekeeper and the masseuse opened the bedroom and found Mr. Ledger unconscious. They shook him, but he did not respond. They immediately called the authorities.The police said they did not suspect foul play. Officials said pills were found near the body."

Not a huge fan of him, but still he is a good actor, A Kight's Tale, Casanova, Brokeback Mountain, Lords of Dogtown and upcoming title The Dark Knight.

Dot Dot Dot

My very first pair of BAPE..thanks to gingerfish !!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

J.J Abrams

Just reached home, went and watched "Cloverfield". Been waiting for this movie for months, somehow kinda worry if it will flip and turn out as a sick a*s piece of movie. Luckily J.J Abrams did not let me down.

Thank god that J.J Abrams did not put so much effort in revealing and telling the story bout the destructive monster, and i think that the fear and worries on an ordinary human being is way more scary than any monster. You can actually feel the character.

Been putting a lot of effort in searching any info about Cloverfield before it release, eventhough i was with UIP, we did not get any news nor update about the storyline until it release.

Anyway, i think no any title that can top Cloverfield for the rest of 2008, not even the top titles that lining up for summer.

And sorry baby, sorry for making you feel so sick during and after the movie.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jump on the band wagon

Used to blog in other blogs but not on blogspot, well I think this is a great start for 2008.

There are more to come from nosniv yeah !!