Monday, January 21, 2008

J.J Abrams

Just reached home, went and watched "Cloverfield". Been waiting for this movie for months, somehow kinda worry if it will flip and turn out as a sick a*s piece of movie. Luckily J.J Abrams did not let me down.

Thank god that J.J Abrams did not put so much effort in revealing and telling the story bout the destructive monster, and i think that the fear and worries on an ordinary human being is way more scary than any monster. You can actually feel the character.

Been putting a lot of effort in searching any info about Cloverfield before it release, eventhough i was with UIP, we did not get any news nor update about the storyline until it release.

Anyway, i think no any title that can top Cloverfield for the rest of 2008, not even the top titles that lining up for summer.

And sorry baby, sorry for making you feel so sick during and after the movie.