Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Half dead

Been busy for the past 2-3 weeks, not really, I would say for the past one month. Been working non stop, for 7 days a week, just to achieve the target, and I think I really need a break. And my class is starting next week, I didn't realise that actually. So very soon, I'll be back in study life again, well partially. I wasn't that worried at the first place, maybe when time is near, I starting to get nervous, and a lil bit of stress.

Hopefully this weekend won't be a working weekend, or maybe just half day on the Saturday.

There are actually few things in my shpping list, still wondering, should I buy or not.

1. New Laptop, or a new Macbook
2. itouch or just Nano will do?
3. A pair of visvim (yes, i've saying this for quite a few times, but everytime tak jadi)
4. A new watch, no need Bell & Ross, Seiko will do.

And by the way, just a message to everyone, I am fine if you wanna give me my Christmas present or birthday present in advance. ok? thank you


Racheal said...

Can get Desktop instead of LAPtop arh?? =P

Also, can I get you batman or power ranger watches from pasar malam?